Custom Seismic Seminars

ISAT Custom Seismic Bracing Seminars

Request a Free Onsite Seminar, Tailored Just For Your Company.

ISAT has provided nonstructural seismic design seminars at locations around the world upon request. We understand that training, development, and education are critical to an individual’s growth, as well as company and project success. Our seminars are continuously developed and improved upon through the direct feedback of the thousands of customers we have presented for, and can be strategically customized to meet the needs of your company. Our onsite seminars allow members of any company or organization to personally interact with the host, ensuring all questions are answered post seminar during the question and answer session.

Popular Seminar Topics Include:

  • Seismic Design Requirements & Criteria
  • Seismic Retrofit of Existing Structures
  • OSHPD vs. Non-OSHPD
  • Understanding ISAT Seismic Design Manuals
  • Best Practices for Cutting Project Cost
  • Seismic Bracing Methods for Critical Facilities

Various Codes To Defer To:

  • International Building Code (IBC)
    • 2003 IBC
    • 2006 IBC
    • 2009 IBC
    • 2012 IBC
    • 2015 IBC
  • California Building Code (CBC)
    • 2007 CBC
    • OPA-0485
    • 2007 CBC 0485 OSHPD Approved
    • 2010 CBC
    • 2013 CBC
  • ASCE
    • ASCE 7-98
    • ASCE 7-02
    • ASCE 7-05
    • ASCE 7-10
  • UFC 3-310-04
    • 22 June 2007
    • 27 January 2010
    • May 2012
    • June 2013
  • FEMA Building Code
    • E-74
    • 412
    • 413
    • 414
  • COLA (City of Los Angeles)
    • 2008
    • 2011
    • 2014
  • New York City Building Code
    • 2008
    • 2014
  • Other Country's
    • 2013 Zealand Standards NZS 4219; 1170.5
    • Australian Standards 1170.4 - 2007
    • National Building Code of Canada
    • Puerto Rico Building Code

Find a seminar that works for you and learn new skills to fast track your project, or customize your own seminar. Whether you need a seminar for an organization of three or three hundred employees, on-site or online, ISAT has the solutions and resources to meet your needs. Are you unable to attend a live seminar?

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